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About us

Marci James, Founder & CEO

My journey into real estate marketing has been a rich narrative, marked by an unwavering commitment and a diverse range of experiences, from the detailed facets of brokerage marketing to the expansive realms of technology giants.

My background is extensive and varied, shaping a unique viewpoint that I bring to the table. This varied tapestry of experiences has equipped me with a distinctive perspective, allowing me to approach marketing and communication challenges with a depth of insight that sets me apart. I see myself not just as a marketer but as a keen interpreter of needs, a translator of visions, and a strategist whose plans resonate with purpose and precision.

In terms of expertise, I thrive across multiple dimensions—developing compelling content strategies, leading innovative prop-tech initiatives, launching startups, curating partnerships, and orchestrating impactful campaigns. Analytics serve as my guiding light.

My inspiration typically strikes amid the grandeur of nature. Picture me crafting marketing masterpieces while working from a quaint Aspen coffee shop or a trusty camper, nestled deep within Colorado's enchanting wilderness. These picturesque places are my wellspring of creativity and innovation.

I believe in the power of cultivating meaningful relationships, encouraging growth, and driving our industry towards a brighter future. I’d love to work with you! Let’s navigate the complex landscape of real estate, armed with a blend of knowledge, experience, and a steadfast dedication to excellence. Together, let's shape the future of your business and the industry we love.



Andy Doerr, Account Manager

With 30+ years of customer service under my belt, I've wrangled more projects and events than you can shake a spreadsheet at! From meticulously planned sales events to spontaneous celebrations, I thrive on the energy and excitement that come with bringing ideas to life. I'm laser-focused on accuracy, deadlines, and the occasional caffeine-fueled brainstorm.

My secret weapon? A creative mind that's always seeking fresh solutions and the communication skills honed by hosting 134 exchange students from every corner of the globe. (Let's just say I can navigate cultural differences and dietary restrictions with ease!)

I love to ditch the usual boxes and color outside the lines. I am excited to be bringing my passion, experience, and a touch of playfulness to your team.

Let's make some magic happen,


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